Rest during Vedic meditation is up to 5 times more efficient than during sleep. Vedic meditation is the perfect solution for our hectic age – it is suitable for everyone, you can meditate anywhere and its effects are soon felt in all aspects of your life. Join millions of people, who enjoy their life more thanks to Vedic meditation.
Vedic meditation is being practiced for 20 minutes, ideally twice a day. You seat yourself in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed and let your body and mind rest perfectly. There is no need to concentrate or put in extraordinary effort, everything is very simple, natural and pleasant.
You can meditate anywhere: at home, at work, in a chair, on a sofa, in public transport, at the toilet, in a waiting room or in a restaurant.
In short – for everybody. It is meant for a person living a modern, active life and you won’t find any religious elements or pressure to change your lifestyle or opinions. It serves purely to give you the necessary rest and energy to be able to fully enjoy every day.
Meditation is very practical, it doesn’t matter if you’re in a busy environment or if there is noise or other people and thus it can fit into even the busiest of schedules.
Anyone can meditate: entrepreneurs, managers, secretaries, teachers, housewives, workers, pensioners, students, the healthy and the ill. If you are able to think, you will be able to meditate.
During meditation your mind will calm down on its own and the body will immerse itself into a deep rest, as much as 5x deeper than during sleep. This deep calmness invigorates your whole organism and enables the brain to function in a different mode, which brings an unprecedented number of physical and psychical benefits.
Maybe you already tried some form of meditation. Perhaps you feel that you weren’t particularly successful at it or that it is difficult. You were unable to calm down and didn’t have the feelings everybody was talking about. Vedic meditation is different:
What is stress? Where is it stored and why is it the killer of this age? And how does meditation help us with its elimination?
Come listen to Tomáš Reinbergr, who will surprise you with a variety of scientific findings and introduce you to Vedic meditation.
You can then decide for yourself, whether meditation is something for you or not. We look forward to meeting you!